Genusteori, 10 högskolepoäng
Gender Theory, 10 credits
Kursplan för studenter höst 2017
Kurskod: | FLGET37 |
Fastställd av: | Ordförande för Forskningsnämnden 2017-02-24 |
Gäller fr.o.m.: | Hösten 2017 |
Version: | 1 |
Diarienummer: | HLK 2017/891-41 |
Utbildningsnivå: | Forskarnivå |
Forskarutbildningsämne: | |
On completion of the course, the student should be able to:
Kunskap och förståelse
- demonstrate comprehension of the different gender theories addressed in the course, including an understanding of their ontological and epistemological basis
- describe how the theories relate to and differ from each other
Färdighet och förmåga
- apply one or more of the gender theories in the course as an analytical lens in their research
Värderingsförmåga och förhållningssätt
- develop ethical and well-reasoned arguments for the application of one or more gender theoretical lenses in his or her research
The course gives a broad social science introduction to gender theory. It has a theory of science emphasis, and explains different ways of understanding gender and of using gender as an analytical category in research. The seminars cover:
- Feminist theories
- Key classical texts
- Epistemologies in gender research
- Masculinity research
- Queer and intersectionality
- Gender research in the research areas of the course participants
Lecture, seminars and written assignments. For further information on instruction, see the study guide.
Undervisningen bedrivs på engelska.
The course is open for those who meet the general entry requirements for doctoral studies.
Examination och betyg
Kursen bedöms med betygen Underkänd eller Godkänd.
To pass the course, the students are required to actively participate in the seminars, submit the assignments and course paper within the stipulated deadlines and pass all elements of examination. For further information, see the study guide.
Poängregistrering av examinationen för kursen sker enligt följande system:
Examinationsmoment | Omfattning | Betyg |
Gender Theory | 10 hp | U/G |
The instruction is evaluated continuously throughout the course. At the end of the course, a course evaluation is performed and commented on by the course coordinator. The course evaluation, which is submitted to the study administration, is to function as a basis for future improvements of the course
For admission procedures and schedule, see attached study guide.
It is not an absolute prerequisite, but it is recommended that students have taken some introductory PhD-courses first, in particular a philosophy of science course.
Ahl, Helene. (2004). The scientific reproduction of gender inequality: A discourse analysis of research texts on women's entrepreneurship. Copenhagen: CBS Press.
Acker, Joan. (2006). Inequality regimes: gender, class, and race in organizations. Gender & society, 20(4), 441-464.
Butler, Judith. (2006). Gender trouble: feminism and the subversion of identity. New York, London: Routledge.
Calasanti, Toni. (2007). ‘Bodacious Berry, Potency Wood and the Aging Monster: Gender and Age Relations in Anti-Aging Ads’. Social Forces, 86 (1), 335-355.
Calás, Marta, & Smircich, Linda. (1996). From "The Woman's" Point of View: Feminist Approaches to Organization Studies. In S. Clegg, C. Hardy & W. Nord (Eds.), Handbook of Organization Studies (pp. 218-257). London: Sage.
Campbell Rebecca, & Wasco, Sharon M. (2000). Feminist approaches to social science: Epistemological and methodological tenets. American journal of community psychology, 28(6), 773-791.
Connell, Robert William, & Connell, Raewyn. (2005). Masculinities. Univ of California Press.
Davis, Kathy. (2008). Intersectionality as buzzword: A sociology of science perspective on what makes a feminist theory successful. Feminist Theory, 9(1), 67-85.
Engström, Lars Einar. (2008). Confessions of a sexist. Twickham, U.K.: Athena Press.
Gardiner, Judith Kegan. (2013). Masculinity studies and feminist theory: New directions. Columbia University Press.
Haraway, Donna. (1991). Simians, Cyborgs, and Women: The Reinvention of Nature. London: Free Association Books.
Harding, Sandra (Ed.). (1987). Feminism and methodology. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
Hearn, Jeff. (1998). Theorizing men and men's theorizing: Varieties of discursive practices in men's theorizing of men. Theory and Society, 27(6), 781-816.
Hirdman, Yvonne. (1998). State Policy and gender contracts. In Eileen P. Drew, Ruth Emerek, & Evelyn Mahon (Eds.), Women, work and the family in Europe (pp. 36-46). London: Routledge.
Holvino, Evangelina. (2010). Intersections: The Simultaneity of Race, Gender and Class in Organization Studies. Gender, Work and Organization, 17(3), 248-277.
Jagose, Annamarie. (2009). Feminism’s queer theory. Feminism & Psychology 19(2), 157-174.
Kolmar, Wendy, & Bartkowski, Francis. (2010). Feminist Theory: A Reader (3:rd edition). Boston: McGraw-Hill Ryerson.
Lykke, Nina. (1996). Between monsters, goddesses and cyborgs: feminist confrontations with science. In Nina Lykke & Rosi Braidotti (Eds.), Between monsters, goddesses and cyborgs: feminist confrontations with science, medicine and cyberspace (pp. 13-29). London and New Jersey: Zed Books.
McCall, Leslie. (2005) .The Complexity of Intersectionality. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 30(3), 1771-1800. doi: 10.1086/426800
Nicholson, Linda. (1995). Interpreting gender. In Linda Nicholson & Steven Seidman (Eds.), Social Postmodernism (pp. 39-67). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Vincent, Norah. (2007). Self-made man: one woman's year disguised as a man. New York: Penguin Books.
Weedon, Chris. (1999). Feminism, theory and the politics of difference. Oxford: Blackwell.
Young, Iris. (1995). Gender as Seriality. In Linda Nicholson & Steven Seidman (Eds.), Social Postmodernism (pp. 187-215). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.