Näringslivsförlagd kurs i Production Engineering and Management, 7,5 högskolepoäng
Industrial Placement in Production Engineering and Management, 7.5 credits
Kursplan för studenter höst 2025
Kurskod: TPES22
Fastställd av: VD 2022-03-01
Gäller fr.o.m.: 2022-08-01
Version: 1
Utbildningsnivå: Avancerad nivå
Utbildningsområde: Tekniska området
Ämnesgrupp: TE9
Fördjupning: A1F
Huvudområde: Produktionssystem


After a successful course, the student shall

Kunskap och förståelse

- demonstrate knowledge of challenges that might occur in the field of production engineering and management

Färdighet och förmåga

- demonstrate skills of scientific methods and approaches when planning and conducting project tasks or a study within predetermined time frames
- demonstrate the ability to apply knowledge related to production engineering and management to an industrial challenge
- demonstrate the ability to describe, analyse and reflect on the results of the industrial placement
- demonstrate the ability in speech and writing to present results and discuss conclusions in dialogue with different audiences

Värderingsförmåga och förhållningssätt

- demonstrate an understanding of problem solving in industrial context
- demonstrate an understanding of future professional role.


This course includes participating in professional practice relevant to the filed of production engineering and management. The students will have the opportunity to contribute knowledge and help develop companies’ processes and work through carrying out of a project task. The course´s purpose is to give the student experience from an industrial placement. The professional content in the course is based on the job requestors needs and the objective and adequateness of the Production Engineering and Management programe.

The course includes the following elements:
-Applying knowledge from previous courses
-Formulation of technical and scientific problems
-Planning of the work
-Identification of knowledge needed for solving the provided project task
-Collection, processing, and analysis of data
-Development of a solution for the provided project task
-Written scientific report
-Oral presentation, and opposition


Supervisions under the industrial placement.

Undervisningen bedrivs på engelska.


Passed courses at least 90 credits within the major subject industrial engineering and management, mechanical engineering, civil engineering, computer engineering (or the equivalent), and 15 credits in mathematics. At least 30 credits in the master´s programme should be approved (or the equivalent). Proof of English proficiency is required.

Examination och betyg

Kursen bedöms med betygen 5, 4, 3 eller Underkänd.

Poängregistrering av examinationen för kursen sker enligt följande system:
Project report and presentation7,5 hp5/4/3/U


Selected individually based on the placement task (if applicable). The selection will be based on a discussion between the students and the supervisors in relation to the selected placement task. The students will be the main responsible for the identification and the selection of relevant literature.