Web Personalization, 7,5 högskolepoäng
Web Personalization, 7.5 credits
Kursplan för studenter vår 2020
Kurskod: TWPS20
Fastställd av: VD 2019-12-01
Gäller fr.o.m.: 2020-01-01
Version: 1
Utbildningsnivå: Avancerad nivå
Utbildningsområde: Tekniska området
Ämnesgrupp: DT1
Fördjupning: A1F
Huvudområde: Informatik


After a successful course, the student shall

Kunskap och förståelse

- demonstrate a basic comprehension of psychological theories that can be applied for personalization purposes
- show familiarity with artificial intelligence techniques and algorithms for personalization
- show familiarity with methods and techniques for designing experiments to test psychological theories in personalization contexts
- display knowledge of research trends in the areas relevant for web personalization

Färdighet och förmåga

- demonstrate the ability to create scientific experiments to test web personalization
- demonstrate the ability to apply basic artificial intelligence methods to achieve personalization

Värderingsförmåga och förhållningssätt

- demonstrate an understanding of managing challenges in creating experiments to test the effects of personalization
- demonstrate the ability to discern opportunities between different basic artificial intelligence methods


Web personalization in human-computer interaction (HCI) is both a science and an engineering discipline: it is the science of understanding how people interact with computerized systems, and the engineering discipline of making these systems work better for the people who use them.

This course provides an introduction to both disciplines of web personalization in HCI. From a science perspective, the course will cover the following topics: How can we apply psychological theories to HCI, so as to create a better understanding of how people use computers? How can we test these theories with user experiments? From a more engineering perspective the course will provide basic theoretical, technical, and algorithmic understandings of artificial intelligence methods that can facilitate personalization.


The course consists of lectures, seminars and assignments with tutoring.

Undervisningen bedrivs på engelska.


Passed courses 180 credits in first cycle, at least 90 credits within the major subject in Informatics, Computer Science, Interaction Design, Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering (with relevant courses in web programming), and completed course Data Science 7,5 credits, or equivalent. Proof of English proficiency is required.

Examination och betyg

Kursen bedöms med betygen 5, 4, 3 eller Underkänd.

The final grade for the course is based on a balanced set of assessments. The final grade will only be issued after satisfactory completion of all assessments

Poängregistrering av examinationen för kursen sker enligt följande system:
Uppsats3 hp5/4/3/U
Inlämningsuppgifter3 hp5/4/3/U
Presentation1,5 hp5/4/3/U


The litterature list for the course will be provided one month before the course starts.