Conducting Research with and about Persons with an Impairment or Disability, 5 credits
Att bedriva forskning med och om personer med Funktionsnedsättning och funktionshinder, 5 högskolepoäng
Course Syllabus for students Spring 2023
Course Code: FHBFF33
Confirmed by: Utbildningsrådet Oct 26, 2022
Valid From: Jan 1, 2023
Version: 1
Education Cycle: Third-cycle level
Research subject: Disability Research

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)

After completion of course the student is expected to have below skills and knowledge:

Knowledge and understanding

• In detail describe and discuss the concept of inclusive research design and how it can be applied when including persons with impairment or disabilities.

Skills and abilities

• Identify challenges and plan for conducting research with and about persons with impairment or disability.
• Adapt research methods to include persons with impairment or disability.
• Apply research with an inclusive research design.

Judgement and approach

• Evaluate ethical aspects when doing research with and about persons with impairment or disability,
• critically reflect on different approaches to inclusive research
• critically reflect on the researcher’s approach to the entire research project when including persons with impairment or disability,
• critically reflect over aspects of trustworthiness when persons with impairments or disability are informants.


- study design including persons with impairment or disability
- research methods
- ethical aspects of research
- inclusive research design

Type of instruction

The course is given on-line and includes lectures, individual and group work, and mandatory seminars.

The teaching is conducted in English.


Entry requires 240 credits, of which 60 credits should be on an advanced level, including a thesis of 15 credits (or equivalent).

Examination and grades

The course is graded Fail (U) or Pass (G).

The course is examined through an individually written assignment and seminars

Registration of examination:
Name of the TestValueGrading
Written assignment13.5 creditsU/G
Seminars1.5 creditsU/G
1 Individually written assignment

Course literature

Bailey, S., K. Boddy, S., Briscoe., & C. Morris. (2015). Involving disabled children and young
people as partners in research: A systematic review: Involving disabled children and young
people as partners in research. Child: Care, Health and Development 41: 505–14. https:doi:10.1111/cch.12197
Green, G. (2016). Power to the people: to what extent has public involvement in applied health research achieved this? Research Involvement and Engagement, 2(1), 1-13. https:
Jørgensen, C. R. (2019). Children’s involvement in research—A review and comparison with service user involvement in health and social care. Social Sciences, 8(5), 149.
Liabo, K., Ingold, A., & Roberts, H. (2018). Co-production with “vulnerable” groups: Balancing protection and participation. Health Science Reports, 1(3), e19. https:
Macaulay, A. C., Jagosh, J., Seller, R., Henderson, J., Cargo, M., Greenhalgh, T., ... & Pluye, P. (2011). Assessing the benefits of participatory research: a rationale for a realist review. Global Health Promotion, 18(2), 45-48. https:doi.10.1177/1757975910383936
Nind, M. (2014). What Is Inclusive Research? London, England: Bloomsbury Publishing PLC.

van Rooijen, M., Lenzen, S., Dalemans, R., Beurskens, A., & Moser, A. (2021). Stakeholder engagement from problem analysis to implementation strategies for a patient-reported experience measure in disability care: A qualitative study on the process and experiences. Health Expectations, 24(1), 53-65. https:
doi. 10.1111/hex.13147

Scientific articles will be added.
The most recent editions of the course literature should be used.