Family Business Research Methods, 5 credits
Family Business Research Methods, 5 högskolepoäng
Course Syllabus for students Spring 2023
Course Code: FJFBM32
Confirmed by: Research Board Nov 9, 2022
Valid From: Nov 9, 2022
Version: 1
Education Cycle: Third-cycle level
Research subject: Business Administration


The course aims to provide an overview of selected major methods streams in family business
research and provide a basis for choosing theoretical perspectives for a research project in family
business and serves as a starting point for undertaking the process of data collection and analysis. The
intention is to develop students’ critical thinking, supporting an independent and reflective approach
toward research design in the field of family business research. The course follows the structure of the
research process. Building on successful research designs that have been applied in family business
research, and those that might become important over next years as the family business field grows
further, the course provides students with an enhanced scholarly understanding of family business
research methods and the right fit between research methodologies and research objectives, and
actively supports the participants in developing their own research project on family business topics.

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)

On completion of the course, the students will be able to:

Knowledge and understanding

Present and critically discuss major family business research methods.

Skills and abilities

Identify appropriate perspectives to construct an empirical framework for a research project
and apply appropriate research methods to a particular research project in family business.

Judgement and approach

Critically evaluate research designs in the family business literature and discuss the
appropriateness of a particular research designs as applied to a specific research project in
family business.


Following the research process, the students will discuss about the relevance of a research problem in
family business, discussing how to craft relevant research that will contribute to family business by
achieving the fit between research question, theory, and method. Reflecting on how to structure a
literature review, students will explore the dynamics for formulating the proper research question. The
course will continue by discussing data collection issues in quantitative and in qualitative research,
followed by a focused discussion on data analysis using qualitative and qualitative methods. Ethical
issues and quality in research will be also discussed. The course is ended by a reflection about the
journey of a paper, and how to how to tackle a review process.

Type of instruction

The course is based on lectures and seminars. Students are required to take an active approach to their
own learning. The course leaders will facilitate interaction and dialogue during the activities, but
participants will have to spend time on reading, writing and reflecting before and after the seminars.

The teaching is conducted in English.


Admitted to a doctoral program in business administration or a related subject of a recognized business school or university.

Examination and grades

The course is graded Fail (U) or Pass (G).

The course will be examined in the following way:
• Seminars attendance and active contribution to discussion, ILOs 1, 2
• Assignments fulfil ILO 1, 2 and 3
All parts of the examination must be passed to achieve a grade in the course.
The grades for the course are “pass” or “fail”.

Course evaluation

A course evaluation will be conducted at the end of the course.

Course literature

Literature provided by the instructors.