Ageing in a Welfare State, 10 credits
Ageing in a Welfare State, 10 högskolepoäng
Course Syllabus for students Spring 2023
Course Code: HAWS28
Confirmed by: Director of Education Apr 18, 2017
Valid From: Apr 2, 2018
Version: 1
Reg number:2017/1635 (313) Institute of Gerontology
Education Cycle: Second-cycle level
Disciplinary domain: Health sciences
Subject group: OM1
Specialised in: A1F
Main field of study: Gerontology

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)

Upon completion of the course the student should have the

Knowledge and understanding

in order to

Skills and abilities

in order to

Judgement and approach

in order to


- the history and organisation of Swedish welfare policies and principles and goals of old age care in Sweden
- organisation of health care for elderly
- home care and institutional care for the elderly
- investigations of dementia – team and hospital care
- sources of information on old age care
- theories on old age care
- the importance of culture and ethnic roles in old age care
- ethical issues in old age care

Type of instruction

The course is comprised of lectures, group discussions and study visits.

The teaching is conducted in English.


General entry requirements and a degree of at least 180 credits within an education in medicine, nursing or social work including a thesis of 15 credits and 30 credits in the main subject (gerontology) at the advanced level (or the equivalent).

Examination and grades

The course is graded A, B, C, D, E, FX or F.

The examination will be based on one individual paper and active participation in three group discussions.

An associate professor will be the course examiner.

Registration of examination:
Name of the TestValueGrading
Examination10 creditsA/B/C/D/E/FX/F

Other information

Attendance is compulsory at all activities within the course.

The course is a compulsory course for students enrolled in The Nord Mag Master Program, in School of Health and Welfare and partner universities. The course is also available for students with general admission requirement.

Course literature

Blomberg, S., Edebalk, P. G., & Petersson, J. (2000) The withdrawal of the welfare state: Elderly care in Sweden in the 1990s. European Journal of Social Work, 3:2, 151-163.

Boll-Hansen, E. (2014). Older immigrants’ use of public home care and residential care. European Journal of Ageing, 11, 41-53.

Davey, A., Malmberg, B., & Sundström, G. (2014). Aging in Sweden: Local variation, local control. The Gerontologist, 54, 525-532.

Edvardsson, D., Winblad, B., & Sandman, P.O. (2008). Person- Centred Care for people with severe Alzheimer`s disease –current status and ways forward. The Lancet Neurology, 7, 362-367.

Ernsth Bravell. M. (2007). Care Trajectories in the Oldest Old. Dissertation Series No. 3. Jönköping: School of Health Sciences.

Forssell, E. (2013). Transnational aging, care and the welfare state. Transnational Social Review. A Social Work Journal, 3:1, 83-99.

Forssell, E. & Torres, S. (2012). Social work, older people and migration: an overview of the situation in Sweden. European Journal of Social Work, 15:1, 115-130.

Forssell, E., Torres, S., & Olaison, A. (2015). Care managers’ experiences of cross-cultural needs assessment meetings: the case of late-inlife immigrants. Ageing and Society, 35(3), 576-601.

Glendinning, C., Tjadens, F., Arksey, H., Morée, M., Moran, N., & Nies, H. (2009). Care Provision within Families and its Socio-Economic Impact on Care Providers. Report for the European Commission, Working Paper No. EU 2342.

Jegermalm, M. & Sundström, G. (2014). Stereotypes about caregiving and lessons from the Swedish panorama of care. European Journal of Social Work. DOI:10.1080/13691457.2014.892476.

Kjellström, S, & Sjölander, P. (2014). The level of development of nursing assistants’ value system predicts their views on paternalistic care and personal autonomy. International Journal of Ageing and Later Life. Advance Access.

Meagher, G. & Szebehely, M. (2013). Marketisation in Nordic eldercare: A research report on legislation, oversight, extent, and consequences. NormaCare. [Available 2015-03-05].

Persson, T. (2010).
The Trivial Matters. Everyday power in Swedish elder care. Dissertation Series No. 9. Jönköping: School of Health Sciences.

Religa, D., Fereshtenejad, S-D., Cermakova, P., Edlund, A-K., Garcia-Ptacek, S., Granqvist, N., Hallbäck, A., Kåwe, K., Faramand, B., Kilander, L., Mattsson, U-B., Nägga, K., Nordström, P., Wijk, H., Wimo, A., Winblad, B., & Eriksdotter, M. (2015). SveDem, the Swedish Dementia Registry-A Tool for Improving the Quality of Diagnostics, Treatment and Care of Dementia Patients in Clinical Practice.
PLoS One. Feb 19;10 (2): e0116538. doi: 10.1371.

Sundström, G. (2009). Ageing and old age care in Sweden: Administrative, demographic, political, and financial aspects.
Presentation at the International Conference on the Policies and Regulations of Health and Long-Term Care Costs of the Elderly. Tokyo: Hosei Institute of Ageing.

Sundström, G. (2009).
Demography of Aging in the Nordic Countries. In International Handbook of Population Aging (Ed. Peter Uhlenberg), New York: Springer.

Swedish Association of Local Authorities and Regions (2009).
Developments in elderly policy in Sweden. Stockholm: SALAR.

Verbeek, H., van Rossum, E., Zwakhalen, S.M.G., & Kempen, G.I.J.M. (2009). Small homelike care environments for older people with dementia: a literature review.
International Psychogeriatrics, 21:2//, 252-264.

The most recent editions of the course literature should be used.