Co-production in Health and Welfare, 7.5 credits
Co-production in Health and Welfare, 7,5 högskolepoäng
Course Syllabus for students Spring 2023
Course Code: HCPR22
Confirmed by: Utbildningsrådet Oct 12, 2021
Valid From: Apr 4, 2022
Version: 1
Reg number:Jönköping Academy
Education Cycle: Second-cycle level
Disciplinary domain: Health sciences
Subject group: HS1
Specialised in: A1N
Main field of study: Quality Improvement and Leadership within Health and Welfare

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)

Upon completion of the course students should have the ability to:

Knowledge and understanding

Skills and abilities

Judgement and approach


- applying co-production at the micro-, meso-, and/or macro-system levels
- principles and values of co-production
- power dynamics
- practical skills for co-production in daily practice, improvement work and research
- impact, benefits and limitations of co-production

Type of instruction

The course is web-based with discussion and seminars through the web-based platform.

The teaching is conducted in English.


The applicant must hold the minimum of a bachelor's degree (i.e. the equivalent of 180 ECTS credits at an accredited university) within health sciences, behavioral science, social work, educational sciences, engineering, urban design or equivalent. Proof of English proficiency is required (or the equivalent).

Examination and grades

The course is graded A, B, C, D, E, FX or F.

Examination will be based upon active participation in seminars, course discussions, group
assignment and an individually written reflection assignment.

The course examiner is a senior university lecturer.

Registration of examination:
Name of the TestValueGrading
Individual written assignment3.5 creditsA/B/C/D/E/FX/F
Active participation in online seminars and discussions2.5 creditsU/G
Group assignment1.5 creditsU/G

Other information

Attendance requirements
Mandatory attendance of course introduction and seminars using the web-based platform.

Course literature

Brandsen, T., Steen, T., & Verschuere, B. (2018). Co-production and Co-creation. Engaging Citizens in Public Services. Routledge.

Loeffler, E. (2020).Co-production of public services and outcomes. Springer Nature.

Gibbs, G. (2013). Learning by Doing: A Guide to Teaching and Learning Methods. Oxford Brookes University.

Additional literature will be chosen in consultation with lecturer.

The most recent editions of the course literature should be used.