Social Work, Social- and Welfare Policy in a Swedish and International Perspective, 7.5 credits
Social Work, Social- and Welfare Policy in a Swedish and International Perspective, 7,5 högskolepoäng
Course Syllabus for students Spring 2023
Course Code: HSWK19
Confirmed by: Utbildningsrådet Jan 29, 2019
Revised by: Department head Sep 21, 2021
Valid From: Nov 8, 2021
Version: 5
Reg number:Avdelningen för socialt arbete
Education Cycle: First-cycle level
Disciplinary domain: Health sciences
Subject group: SS2
Specialised in: G1F
Main field of study: Social Work

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)

Upon completion of the course students should have the ability to:

Knowledge and understanding

Skills and abilities

Judgement and approach


- social policy and the rise of the Swedish welfare state
- the Swedish welfare system and its problems, crisis, restructuring and future
- different models of social welfare policy from an international perspective
- current social policy issues
- poverty from an international perspective
- challenges from a national and international perspective

Type of instruction

The course is implemented through lectures, group discussions and seminars.

The teaching is conducted in English.


General entry requirements and completed courses in Social Work of 15 credits or equivalent. For students enrolled at partner universities the eligibility requirements of respective departments applies.

Examination and grades

The course is graded A, B, C, D, E, FX or F.

Examination will be based upon one individual written examination and individual and group written papers.

A university assistant professor serves as the course examiner.

Registration of examination:
Name of the TestValueGrading
Individual written examination4 creditsA/B/C/D/E/FX/F
Individual assignments2 creditsU/G
Seminars0.5 creditsU/G
Oral presentation1 creditU/G

Other information

Attendance requirements
Attendance to seminars and groupwork is compulsory.

Course literature

Andersson, L.M.C., & Hjern, A., & Ascher, H. (2018). Undocumented adult migrants in Sweden: mental health and associated factors. BMC Public Health, 18(1) 1369-9.

Bergnehr, D. (2016). Unemployment and conditional welfare: Exclusion and belonging in immigrant women's discourse on being long-term dependent on social assistance.' International Journal of Social Welfare, 25(1), 18-26.

Brydon, K., & Lawihin, D. (2013). The current situation in social work education in Papua New Guinea.

Doar, R. (2016). A bipartisan plan to reduce poverty in the U.S. Intereconomics, 51(2), 107-108.

Edlund, J., & Johansson Sevä, I. (2013). Is Sweden Being Torn Apart? Privatization and Old and New Patterns of Welfare State Support. Social Policy & Administration, 47(5), 542-564.

Esping-Andersen, G. (1990). The three worlds of welfare capitalism. Cambridge: Polity (pdf).

Fors, S., & Almquist, Y, B., & Brännström, L (2018). Coexisting Social, Economic, and Health-related Disadvantages in more than 2.4 Million Swedes. Social indicators research, 143(1), 115-132.

Isakjee, A. (2017). Welfare state regimes: a literature review

Knutagård, M. (2018). Homelessness and Housing Exclusion in Sweden. European Journal of Homelessness, 12(2), 103.

Mattsson, T. (2014). Intersectionality as a Useful Tool: Anti-Oppressive Social Work and Critical Reflection, Affilia: Journal of Women and Social Work, 29(1), 8-17.

Moffitt, R. (2015). The Deserving Poor, the Family, and the U.S. Welfare System. Demography, 2015, 52 (3),729-749.

Nanu, G. (2011). The Wantok System as a Socio-Economic and Political Network In Melanesia?

Shaefer, L. H., & Wu, P. (2016) Can Poverty in America Be Compared to Conditions in the World’s Poorest Countries? American journal of medical research 4(1), 84-92.

Schierup, C. U., & Ålund, A. (2011). The end of Swedish exceptionalism? Citizenship, neoliberalism and the politics of exclusion. Race & Class 53(1), 45-64.

Szebhely, M., & Trydegård, G-B. (2012). Home care for older people in Sweden: a universal model in transition. Health and Social Care in the Community 20 (3), 300–309.

Smeeding, T., & Thévenot, C. Addressing Child Poverty: How Does the United States compare With Other Nations. Academic pediatrics, 16(3), S67-S75.

Topor, A., & Andersson, G., & Bülow, P., & Stefansson, C. G., & Denhov, A. (2015). After the Asylum? The New Institutional Landscape. Community mental health journal, 52(6).

Trygged, S., & Righard, E. (Ed). (2019). Inequalities and migration: challenges for the Swedish welfare state. Studentlitteratur. Chap. 1,2,3,6,7,8.

US Welfare programs, the myths versus the facts.

Welfare reform in the United States.

A work of fiction with socio-political connections.
Additional scientific articles will be used.

The most recent editions of the course literature should be used.