Entrepreneurship, 7.5 credits
Entrepreneurship, 7,5 högskolepoäng
Course Syllabus for students Autumn 2024
Course Code: JESG10
Confirmed by: Council for Undergraduate and Masters Education May 16, 2019
Revised by: Examiner Jun 12, 2024
Valid From: Aug 19, 2024
Version: 3
Education Cycle: First-cycle level
Disciplinary domain: Social sciences
Subject group: FE1
Specialised in: G1N
Main field of study: Business Administration

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)

Intended learning outcomes define the sought result of study, for each individual student who follows and completes the course. It is important to use the appropriate ‘Action Verbs’ in the ILO statements. Please follow the additional sub-headings:

Knowledge and understanding

1. discuss key concepts and models around value proposition.
2. explain the process nature of entrepreneurship as well as how this processcan be managed.
3. describe the role of entrepreneurship at individual, organizational and societal level.

Skills and abilities

4. explain how new ideas and opportunities can be identified and/or created and identify their potential sources.
5. use tools that can help evaluate new business opportunities.
6. design an investor/sales pitch.

Judgement and approach

7. assess other’s entrepreneurial potential as well as reflect on own entrepreneurial potential.
8. reflect about ethical issues that are intimately intertwined with starting and running a business and suggest how ethical dilemmas can be managed in the business world.


Entrepreneurship is an introductory course into entrepreneurship theory and practice; one that adopts experiential andragogy. The course content focuses on entrepreneurship actor(s) and their endeavor in the process of starting and running a venture. More specifically, Entrepreneurship centers around four different and equally important areas: (1) Entrepreneurial mindset, (2) Entrepreneurial opportunity, (3) Entrepreneurial action, and (4) Entrepreneurship in Context.

Connection to Research and Practice

The course entrepreneurship is a foundational course one of the missions of JIBS, the students will gain understanding of both the foundational and frontier knowledge in entrepreneurship, from faculty whom are at the research frontier of entrepreneurship. The student’s employee this knowledge in the venture creation project where they tie in the knowledge, they have learn on the basics of business administration and entrepreneurship to bring their ideas into full fruition, which they have to pitch at the venture creation day.

Type of instruction

The andragogy used in this course combines immersion in the experience of entrepreneurial endeavor and self-study of the literature. The learning process is supported by lectures and seminars/workshops, where both theory and practice are connected. The new venture project provides the basis for learning; reflection is a critical element of the learning in the course.

The teaching is conducted in English.


General entry requirements and English B, Mathematics C and Civics A and required grade Passed or international equivalent.

Examination and grades

The course is graded A, B, C, D, E, FX or F.

The course is assessed as follows:

*Individual written exam – assesses ILOs 1-5 and 8, and represents 2 credits

*Individual online test – assesses ILOs 1-5 and 8, and represents 1 credits

*Individual online test – assesses ILOs 1-5 and 8, and represents 1 credits

*Group project –assesses ILOs 2, 4-8 and represents 3.5 credits

Registration of examination:
Name of the TestValueGrading
Individual written exam12 creditsA/B/C/D/E/FX/F
Individual online test11 creditA/B/C/D/E/FX/F
Individual online test11 creditA/B/C/D/E/FX/F
Group project13.5 creditsA/B/C/D/E/FX/F
1 All parts of the compulsory examination in the course must be passed with a passing grade (A-E) before a final grade can be set. The final grade of the course is determined by the sum total of points for all parts of the examination in the course (0-100 points). Grade is set in accordance to JIBS grading policy.

Course evaluation

It is the responsibility of the examiner to ensure that each course is evaluated. At the outset of the course, the programme evaluators in the course must be contacted. In the middle of the course, the examiner should meet the programme evaluators to identify strengths/weaknesses in the first half of the course.
At the end of the course, the examiner should remind students to fill in the survey. The examiner should also call a meeting with the programme evaluators to debrief the course, based on course evaluation data and comments. The next time the course runs, students should be informed of any measures taken to improve the course based on the previous course evaluations.
At the end of each study period, JIBS’ Director of Quality and Accreditation crafts a “Course Evaluation Quarter Report”, presenting the quantitative results from course evaluation surveys. The Associate Dean of Education, The Associate Deans of Faculty, Programme Directors, and JSA President and Quality receive the report.

Other information

Academic integrity

JIBS students are expected to maintain a strong academic integrity. This implies to behave within the boundaries of academic rules and expectations relating to all types of teaching and examination.

Copying someone else’s work is a particularly serious offence and can lead to disciplinary action. When you copy someone else’s work, you are plagiarising. You must not copy sections of work (such as paragraphs, diagrams, tables and words) from any other person, including another student or any other author. Cutting and pasting is a clear example of plagiarism. There is a workshop and online resources to assist you in not plagiarising called the Interactive Anti-Plagiarism Guide.

Other forms of breaking academic integrity include (but are not limited to) adding your name to a project you did not work on (or allowing someone to add their name), cheating on an examination, helping other students to cheat and submitting other students work as your own, and using non-allowed electronic equipment during an examination. All of these make you liable to disciplinary action.

Course literature

Barringer, Bruce & Ireland, Duane (2018). Entrepreneurship: Successfully Launching New Ventures, Global Edition. Pearson Education. 6th edition. Chapters 1-12
ISBN 1-292-255331 or ISBN 978-1-292-25533-0

Sarasvathy, S. D. (2001). Causation and effectuation: Toward a theoretical shift from economic inevitability to entrepreneurial contingency. Academy of Management Review, 26(2), 243-263.

A reading list associated with the specific issues will be available at the start of the course.