Marketing Theory, 7.5 credits
Marketing Theory, 7,5 högskolepoäng
Course Syllabus for students Autumn 2024
Course Code: JMVR20
Confirmed by: Council for Undergraduate and Masters Education Mar 26, 2020
Revised by: Council for Undergraduate and Masters Education Dec 5, 2022
Valid From: Aug 21, 2023
Version: 4
Education Cycle: Second-cycle level
Disciplinary domain: Social sciences
Subject group: FE1
Specialised in: A1N
Main field of study: Business Administration

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)

On completion of the course the student will be able to:

Knowledge and understanding

1. Recognize the most important research streams in marketing
2. Analyze and discuss key theories, axioms, concepts, frameworks and principles in the broader marketing theory field.
3. Reason critically and elaborate independently around theoretical models in relation to empirical phenomena in the globalized society.

Skills and abilities

4. Systematically analyze and synthetise relevant theories in marketing
5. Problematize marketing theory by identifying gaps, limitations and paradoxes.
6. Compare, contrast and discuss different theoretical perspectives to construct an independent theoretical base upon which interpreting contemporary phenomena
7. Exhibit an independent understanding of the different research fields in marketing

Judgement and approach

8. Critically assess and evaluate the choice of concepts, principles and theories in marketing.
9. Analyze distinct contributions to the understanding of dynamics and consumption activities in the globalized world.
10. Reflect upon the significance of marketing theory in business and society at large.


This course aims to develop fundamental knowledge of and about marketing as a field of study and provoke critical thinking about the field. Rather than providing normative best practices of marketing, the course will train students to abstract an empirical phenomenon by considering theoretical foundations and current status of thinking on topics central to the marketing discipline. The course content is designed to combine theoretical readings, intellectual discussions and writing to examine and elaborate on the complexity of marketing theory, including alternative perspectives, and critical insights. It will start debating on the very nature of marketing theory by investigating on its historical roots. It will explore different disciplinary perspectives dominating today´s marketing thoughts. It will also delve into the sub-disciplines, including evolving marketing theories and approaches.
The course will put particular emphasis on critical thinking. It is thereby required that students will take full responsibility of the readings and are asked to present their own view on marketing theory through thorough discussions and compelling argumentations. Course dynamics will be rather interactive, including full active participation during both lectures, seminars and group work.
Assessment will be continuous and is carried out throughout the different course activities. Each assessment task is weighted in relation to its importance in the overall assessment of the course. The student’s results from the different assessment tasks are added up to a total course score that will then translate into the final grade for the course.

Connection to Research and Practice
The course Marketing Theory provides a broad overview of different theoretical domains and perspectives in marketing. It thereby provides students with a reflective mindset to observe and analyze real-world marketing practice.
It also provides an introduction for master students to the variety of views on marketing represented in JIBS’ academic research, their differences, commonalities and relationships. It thereby connects to a range of JIBS’ focus areas and guiding principles including Ethics and responsible marketing, Internationalization, Marketing Innovation and renewal to mention a few.

Type of instruction

The course consists of a combination of lectures, discussion seminars and group work, and requires significant portion of self-study on the part of students. (see study guide).
The language of instruction is English. Please note that all teaching and learning activities - such as lectures, seminars assignments and assessment tasks – are carried out in English when the language of instruction is in English.

The teaching is conducted in English.


Bachelor's degree in Business Administration

Examination and grades

The course is graded A, B, C, D, E, FX or F.

Individual written examination (ILOs: 1, 2, 3, 7, 9) representing 4 credits
Group project (ILOs: 4, 5, 6, 8, 10) representing 3,5 credits

Registration of examination:
Name of the TestValueGrading
Group project13.5 creditsA/B/C/D/E/FX/F
Individual written examination14 creditsA/B/C/D/E/FX/F
1 Registration of examination: All parts of compulsory examination in the course must be passed with a passing grade (A-E or U/G) before a final grade can be set. Grade is set in accordance to JIBS grading policy.

Course evaluation

It is the responsibility of the examiner to ensure that each course is evaluated. At the outset of the course, the programme evaluators in the course must be contacted. In the middle of the course, the examiner should meet the programme evaluators to identify strengths/weaknesses in the first half of the course.
At the end of the course, the examiner should remind students to fill in the survey. The examiner should also call a meeting with the programme evaluators to debrief the course, based on course evaluation data and comments. The next time the course runs, students should be informed of any measures taken to improve the course based on the previous course evaluations.

At the end of each study period, JIBS’ Director of Quality and Accreditation crafts a “Course Evaluation Quarter Report”, presenting the quantitative results from course evaluation surveys. The Associate Dean of Education, The Associate Deans of Faculty, Programme Directors, and JSA President and Quality receive the report.

Other information

Academic integrety
JIBS students are expected to maintain a strong academic integrity. This implies to behave within the boundaries of academic rules and expectations relating to all types of teaching and examination.
Copying someone else’s work is a particularly serious offence and can lead to disciplinary action. When you copy someone else’s work, you are plagiarizing. You must not copy sections of work (such as paragraphs, diagrams, tables and words) from any other person, including another student or any other author. Cutting and pasting is a clear example of plagiarism. There is a workshop and online resources to assist you in not plagiarizing called the Interactive Anti-Plagiarism Guide.
Other forms of breaking academic integrity include (but are not limited to) adding your name to a project you did not work on (or allowing someone to add their name), cheating on an examination, helping other students to cheat and submitting other students work as your own, and using non-allowed electronic equipment during an examination. All of these make you liable to disciplinary action.

Course literature

A list of articles will be supplied at the course introduction.