Organizational Theory for Profit and Purpose, 7.5 credits
Organizational Theory for Profit and Purpose, 7,5 högskolepoäng
Course Syllabus for students Spring 2025
Course Code: JOTK10
Confirmed by: Council for Undergraduate and Masters Education May 7, 2020
Revised by: Council for Undergraduate and Masters Education Mar 27, 2023
Valid From: Jan 19, 2025
Version: 2
Education Cycle: First-cycle level
Disciplinary domain: Social sciences
Subject group: FE1
Specialised in: G1F
Main field of study: Business Administration

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)

On completion of the course, the students will be able to:

Knowledge and understanding

1. explain theories, concepts and models that focus on the spectrum of organizational theory for purpose and profit.
2. explain theories, concepts and models that focus on organizing processes for the development of an organizational purpose.

Skills and abilities

3. identify and apply key approaches for organizing socially, ecologically and economically sustainable enterprises, including NGOs and public-sector companies,
4. develop strategies for integrating organizational purpose driven methods into more traditional profit driven methods.

Judgement and approach

5. analyze the contextual driving forces influencing processes for organizing socially, ecologically and economically sustainable enterprises, including NGOs and public-sector companies,


This course presents a spectrum of theories, concepts and models in the fields of organizational theory that broaden students’ understanding of purpose and profit. The course looks at purpose from beyond a profit-driven view and includes social, ecological and economical perspectives on what drives human organizing activity. The course provides frameworks to develop business models, partnerships, and/or joint ventures to eliminate poverty, inequalities and/or ecological deterioration, including:Connection to Research and Practice
The course is focused on organizational theories and sustainability and connects to research in this area by the following:

Type of instruction

Lectures, seminars, guest lectures, tutoring, group projects, seminar discussions, and presentations.

The teaching is conducted in English.


Taken 15 credits in Business Administration including the course The Sustainable Enterprise – Social and Ecological Perspectives, 7,5 credits (or the equivalent).

Examination and grades

The course is graded A, B, C, D, E, FX or F.

The ILOs listed above are assessed through the following types of examination:
Individual assignments (ILO:´s 1-2) representing values 4.5 credits
Written group report (ILO:´s 3-5) representing values 3 credits.

Registration of examination:
Name of the TestValueGrading
Individual assignments14.5 creditsA/B/C/D/E/FX/F
Written group report13 creditsA/B/C/D/E/FX/F
1 All parts of the compulsory examination in the course must be passed with a passing grade (A-E ) before a final grade can be set. The final grade of the course is determined by the sum total of points for all parts of the examination in the course (0-100 points). Grade is set in accordance to JIBS grading policy.

Course evaluation

It is the responsibility of the examiner to ensure that each course is evaluated. At the outset of the course, evaluators must be identified (elected) among the students. The course evaluation is carried out continuously as well as at the end of the course. On the completion of the course the course evaluators and course examiner discuss the course evaluation and possible improvements. A summary report is created and archived. The reports are followed up by program directors and discussed in program groups and with relevant others (depending on issue e.g. Associate Dean of Education, Associate Dean of faculty, Director of PhD Candidates, Dean and Director of Studies). The next time the course runs, students should be informed of any measures taken to improve the course based on the previous course evaluation.

Other information

Academic integrity
JIBS students are expected to maintain a strong academic integrity. This implies to behave within the boundaries of academic rules and expectations relating to all types of teaching and examination.
Copying someone else’s work is a particularly serious offence and can lead to disciplinary action. When you copy someone else’s work, you are plagiarising. You must not copy sections of work (such as paragraphs, diagrams, tables and words) from any other person, including another student or any other author. Cutting and pasting is a clear example of plagiarism. There is a workshop and online resources to assist you in not plagiarising called the Interactive Anti-Plagiarism Guide.
Other forms of breaking academic integrity include (but are not limited to) adding your name to a project you did not work on (or allowing someone to add their name), cheating on an examination, helping other students to cheat and submitting other students work as your own, and using non-allowed electronic equipment during an examination. All of these make you liable to disciplinary action.

Course literature

A list of articles will be supplied at the course introduction.