Pathway Study Skills, Intercultural Competence and Advanced Literacies, 7.5 credits
Pathway Study Skills, Intercultural Competence and Advanced Literacies, 7,5 högskolepoäng
Course Syllabus for students Spring 2023
Course Code: PSSG13
Confirmed by: Utbildningsrådet Oct 1, 2021
Revised by: Utbildningsrådet Mar 23, 2022
Valid From: Jan 16, 2023
Version: 2
Education Cycle: First-cycle level
Disciplinary domain: Social sciences
Subject group: SH1
Specialised in: G1N

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)

The Intended Learning Outcomes apply to the entire course. On successful completion
of the course, students will:

Knowledge and understanding

1. Understand the meaning of competency as a concept that includes knowledge, skills,
attitudes and values, and what this means in practice.
2. Understand the cycle of anticipation, action and reflection.
3. Understand the connection between their own learning and collaboration,
communication, critical thinking and creativity.
4. Have knowledge of what transformative competencies are, and how they are relevant
in an interdependent world.
5. Have the necessary knowledge of intercultural communication and competency to
successfully communicate and participate in more complex collaboration.

Skills and abilities

6. Be able to apply the ability to learn autonomously, through self-regulation and active
7. Be able to act with effect and take strategic steps to accomplish goals.
8. Be able to actively intervene in and influence their learning strategies, learning
environments and learning pathways.
9. Be able to actively participate in and contribute to different learning communities,
academic communities, and other platforms for collaboration, participatory culture and
co-creation of knowledge.
10. Be able to create new value, reconcile tensions and dilemmas, and take
11.Use tools to bridge participation gaps and the digital divide and increase digital
12. Use peer and self-assessment as well as self-reported grades as a tool for
reflection, assessment literacy and learning.

Judgement and approach

- Self and peer reflection on the development of skills and abilities.
- Critical evaluation of relevant information related to the different parts of the course.


The course includes content that can create and develop agency in individuals. Agency means having the ability to take action or to choose what action to take. The course content includes knowledge and skills that are considered to be 21st century skills that can create agency in different contexts. Included in this are the four Cs of 21st century learning; collaboration, communication, critical thinking and creativity.

The two main areas explored are study skills and life skills, as well as the advanced literacies needed for both. Because the concept of student agency varies across cultures and develops over a lifetime, the content of the course is adapted through differentiated learning and blended learning modules. Furthermore, the course content includes tools to bridge participation gaps and the digital divide; joy of learning, intercultural skills, digital literacy and development of participatory culture. The necessary theoretical framework and understanding is paired with practice. The horizontal aim is to develop and strengthen student skills for participating in higher education, life-long learning and global citizenship through group work, social engagement, peer learning, reflective learning and autonomous learning whilst developing agency, ability to reconcile tensions and dilemmas, intercultural communication skills, metacognitive skills, information literacy and critical thinking.

Type of instruction

Lectures, workshops, tutorials and mentoring sessions, as well as seminars, group discussions, study visits and similar types of instruction. Active participation is required in seminars and other forms of examination. Group work is compulsory in order to meet the requirements of the course. The final grade of the course is issued only when all course units have been passed.

The teaching is conducted in English.


High School Diploma and English language skills corresponding to:
IELTS 6.0 (no part below 5.5) or equivalent

Examination and grades

The course is graded Fail (U) or Pass (G).

The course is graded Fail (U) or Pass (G).

The examination consists of written and oral assignments. Active participation throughout the
course is required.

Registration of examination:
Name of the TestValueGrading
Life3 Examination7.5 creditsU/G

Other information

Qualification Requirements
To obtain the Course Certificate the student shall complete the course requirements of 7,5
credits. Active participation required in seminars, group discussions and mentoring sessions is
compulsory in order to meet the requirements of the course.

Course literature

Articles, handouts and extra materials will be distributed by the class teacher.