Realization of Industrial Design Project, 7.5 credits
Realisering av industriell design projekt, 7,5 högskolepoäng
Course Syllabus for students Spring 2023
Course Code: TRDS22
Confirmed by: Dean Mar 1, 2021
Revised by: Director of Education Oct 24, 2022
Valid From: Jan 1, 2023
Version: 3
Education Cycle: Second-cycle level
Disciplinary domain: Technology
Subject group: DE1
Specialised in: A1F
Main field of study: Product Development

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)

After a successful course, the student shall;

The student will gain a holistic perspective of how companies work with the design methodology and process. Assignments and projects will give the student the opportunity analyze brand identity and combine different shapes, form, and texture in design for different purposes. The intention of the projects is to create a realistic concept that can be communicated thru excellent physical prototypes and digital renders.

Knowledge and understanding

- display knowledge of textures, materials in product
- show familiarity with brand identity
- demonstrate comprehension of understanding of how to present and communicate designs in writing.

Skills and abilities

- demonstrate the ability to ability to plan and structure a design project
- demonstrate the ability to produce physical design models with high quality
- demonstrate skills of designing products from a brand's perspective.

Judgement and approach

- demonstrate an understanding of the product's role in brand identity
- demonstrate an understanding of the design process from a humanistic and development perspective as well as the role of the designer has been in the development process.


Focus of the course is to visualize design through sketches, illustrations, rendered images and physical models.
The course includes the following elements:
- Morphology
- Aesthetics
- Design methodology
- Product methodology
- Sketching
- Free form Techniques
- Rhetoric and Communication

Type of instruction

The course is implemented through lectures, supervision, assignments and projects.

The teaching is conducted in English.


The applicant must hold the minimum of a bachelor's degree (i.e., the equivalent of 180 ECTS credits at an accredited university) with at least 90 credits within the major subject Mechanical Engineering or Civil Engineering (with relevant courses in construction and design), and 15 credits Mathematics, or equivalent. Passed the course Design Philosophy and Practice 7.5 credits. Proof of English proficiency is required.

Examination and grades

The course is graded Fail (U) or Pass (G).

Registration of examination:
Name of the TestValueGrading
Assignments3 creditsU/G
Project work4.5 creditsU/G

Course literature

The literature list for the course will be provided 8 weeks before the course starts.

The student is provided with relevant literature at the start of the course.