Final Project Work in Informatics, 15 credits
Examensarbete i Informatik, 15 högskolepoäng
Course Syllabus for students Spring 2023
Course Code: TWIP17
Confirmed by: Dean Dec 1, 2018
Valid From: Jan 1, 2017
Version: 1
Education Cycle: First-cycle level
Disciplinary domain: Technology
Subject group: TE9
Specialised in: G2E
Main field of study: Informatics

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILO)

After a successful course, the student shall:

Knowledge and understanding

- demonstrate comprehension of the main field of study, including knowledge of the fields’ scientific foundation, proven experience and methodology
- display knowledge and in-depth insight into a selected area within the field of study as well as the current research and development within that selected area

Skills and abilities

- demonstrate the ability to search, gather, evaluate, and critically interpret relevant information, to create a problem formulation and critically discuss phenomena, issues and situations.
- demonstrate the ability to, with a holistic view, independently and creatively identify, formulate and manage problem formulations.
- demonstrate the ability to independently identify, formulate and solve problems as well as with adequate methods plan, implement and evaluate the work within a given framework.
- demonstrate the ability to orally, in writing and in dialog with others account for and discuss information, problems and solutions.
- demonstrate the ability to critically and systematically apply knowledge and model, simulate, predict and evaluate events based on relevant information.

Judgement and approach

- demonstrate the ability to make judgements with regard to relevant scientific, social and ethical aspects within the main field of study.
- demonstrate the ability to identify one’s own need for further knowledge and to continuously develop one’s own competencies.
- demonstrate an understanding of the opportunities and limitations of technology and knowledge within society and the human responsibility for their use, including for the work relevant social and economic aspects as well as environmental and sustainability aspects.


The student will (working individually or in a group) conduct a larger final project work demonstrating the students’ ability to apply, critically use and develop to knowledge gained during the programme studies. The student can choose to work independently or together with a companies, organisations or authorities.

The course contains the following elements:
- Problem Formulation
- Project planning
- Collection, processing and analysis of data
- Project implementation
- Reporting
- Oral presentation and opposition

Type of instruction

The course shall follow the instructions for thesis work established at JTH.

The teaching is conducted in English.


At least passed 120 credits in the program, including at least 60 credits in the major subject Informatics (or the equivalent).

Examination and grades

The course is graded 5,4,3 or Fail.

The course is examined through a written report, oral presentation of the report and the opposition of other students work. Attendance at supervision and compulsory events are also considered. The grade is set using a specific grading template.

Registration of examination:
Name of the TestValueGrading
Examination15 credits5/4/3/U

Other information

The student conducts, individually or in a group, a final project work within the field of Informatics. A supervisor and an examiner are appointed for each project.
The course coordinator can give exemption from the credit requirements found “Prerequisites”.
The thesis work may commence after the examiner’s approval.

Course literature


Relevant literature is chosen on the basis of the subject area in consultation with the supervisor.
The student has the main responsibility for this process.