Master in Global Management (Two Years), 120 högskolepoäng
Master in Global Management (Two Years), 120 credits
Programkod: | JAGM9 |
Fastställd av: | Council for Undergraduate and Masters Education 2023-06-15 |
Version: | 8 |
Gäller fr.o.m.: | 2024-08-19 |
Utbildningsnivå: | Avancerad nivå |
Filosofie masterexamen med huvudområdet företagsekonomi
Programme aims
This programme aims to equip students with the competencies required to become effective leaders in diverse business contexts (such as different industries and types of organizations) and diverse intercultural settings. The programme emphasizes renewal to successfully meet the rapidly changing challenges of dynamic, globalized markets and competitive environments, while at the same time providing them with the ability to anchor business activities in the local context - thus responding to global and local demands. Consideration is made to socially responsible and ethical management as the way forward into the future.
General aims Second cycle education shall essentially build on the knowledge students acquire in first cycle education or corresponding knowledge. Second cycle education shall involve a deepening of knowledge, skills and abilities relative to first cycle education and, in addition to what applies to first cycle education, shall
- further develop the students’ ability to independently integrate and use knowledge,
- develop the students’ ability to deal with complex phenomena, issues and situations, and
- develop the students’ potential for professional activities that demand considerable independence or for research and development work.
Programme specific learning goalsKnowledge and Understanding Graduates of the programme will have a general knowledge and understanding of business administration principles and a specialised and considerably deep knowledge in certain areas of the field.
Corresponding Objectives:
Graduates of the programme will be able to
- demonstrate knowledge and understanding in business administration, including both broad knowledge in the field of business administration and a considerable degree of specialised knowledge of certain areas of the field;
- demonstrate considerably deep insight into current research and development work in global management;
- demonstrate specialised methodological knowledge in business administration and specifically related to global managementt; and
- demonstrate understanding of issues ofglobal management and how they can be interpreted with different theoretical approaches.
Skills and Abilities Graduates of the programme will have acquired the skills to integrate knowledge critically and systematically and to analyse complex issues encountered for a career that includes management activities, and be effective communicators of activities associated with these skills in a global context.
Corresponding Objectives:
Graduates of the programme will be able to
- demonstrate an ability to integrate knowledge critically and systematically and analyse, assess and deal with complex phenomena, issues and situations associated with global management , even with limited information;
- demonstrate the ability to identify and formulate issues critically, independently and creatively as well as to plan and, using appropriate research methods, undertake advanced tasks within predetermined time frames so as to contribute to the development of knowledge and evaluate this work;
- demonstrate an ability in speech and writing to report clearly on management issues and discuss their conclusions and the knowledge and arguments on which they are based, in dialogue with different national and international audiences; and
- demonstrate the skills required for participation in research and development work or to work independently in other advanced contexts, including in academic research related to global management.
Judgement and Approach Graduates of the programme will understand the scientific, social, ethical, and personal responsibility aspects of practical work and research in business administration, including the role, use, and development of knowledge and the ethical aspects and possibilities of scientific endeavor.
Corresponding Objectives:
Graduates of the programme will be able to
- demonstrate an ability to make assessments in business administration, taking into account relevant scientific, societal and ethical issues and also demonstrate awareness of ethical aspects in research and development work;
- demonstrate insight into the possibilities and limitations of science/research, its role in society and people's responsibility for how it is used; and
- demonstrate an ability to identify their personal need for further knowledge and to take responsibility for developing their knowledge.
Mission driven
Graduates of the programme will be equipped to contribute to the advancement of business practice in a global environment, with particular emphasis on aspects of Ownership, and/or Entrepreneurship and/or Renewal.
Corresponding Objectives:
Graduates of the programme will be able to:
- solve problems and exercise leadership skills in a global environment and diverse intercultural settings.
- demonstrate in-depth knowledge about management of business renewal.
- explain how different forms of ownership affect management processes.
The above is in accordance with the intended learning outcomes set for a two-year master's degree in the Swedish Higher Education Ordinance and JIBS mission.
The master’s programme Global Management (Two Years) provides a deepening education in the field of business administration for those already holding a bachelor´s degree and having a substantial amount of business administration education in their undergraduate studies.
The programme provides its students with special skills to successfully meet the rapidly changing challenges of dynamic, globalized markets and competitive environments, while at the same time providing them with the ability to anchor business activities in the local context - thus responding to global and local demands.
The programme is designed to equip students with the competencies required to become effective leaders in diverse business contexts (such as different industries and types of organizations) and diverse intercultural settings. Consideration is made to socially responsible and ethical management as the way forward into the future.
The programme starts the course Managing Responsibly for Corporate Sustainability develops a comprehensive understanding of and current discourses on Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), and related issues. The course builds on previous courses and emphasizes "responsible in action" by translating the meaning of CSR and its different aspects into management practice and strategy in international contexts suitable for the students` future professional careers.
In parallel, the course Advanced Leadership builds on a set of theoretical perspectives about leadership covering key themes from sociology and psychology such as power, identity, strategy, change, crisis, gender, and ethics in order to foster professional and personal responsibilities as a leader in a global context.
Taking a strategic turn from the first two leadership courses, students then take the course Global Strategy, which aims to introduce students to the complexity of the modern business environment. The course emphasizes the dynamic and connected nature of modern business, noting the interaction of international firms with contemporary trends – and the interplay of trends with one another. Students are provided with tools to identify and analyse trends and are given the opportunity to conduct a deeper study of a particular issue or set of issues.
In parallel, the course Advanced Research Methods in Global Management adds knowledge and skills for scientific investigations. The course includes both qualitative and quantitative research methods to prepare students for their master thesis projects as well as more generally for the task of creating new knowledge as well as to collect and evaluate information.
In the second semester, students will take the course Managing a Multinational, which focuses on issues surrounding the operationalisation of strategies introduced in the preceding Global Strategy course. Students will be tasked with analysing and proposing solutions to real life business cases on contemporary challenges and opportunities in multinational organizations from both subsidiary and head office perspectives.
In parallel, the course Corporate Entrepreneurship and Strategic Renewal picks up on the challenges of strategic and organizational change. It introduces the topic of entrepreneurship in established organizations, both in terms of state-of-the-art research findings and of a course project conducted for a company in need of business renewal and of reviving its entrepreneurial spirit.
Students will then take the course Global Marketing Management, which takes marketing management principles into the global context by integrating theoretical foundations of marketing management and practical application through company-based projects.
The course Family Business Development is studied in parallel, which draws on the world-class research conducted at JIBS’ Centre of Family Enterprise and Ownership (CeFEO). It introduces aspects of strategic entrepreneurship in family-owned and owner-managed companies, the predominant type of companies in most countries worldwide.
In the second year, the programme aims to further deepen the students’ competencies in business administration, focusing on developing their analytical skills and requiring more independent and critical research in the area of management.
The third semester consists of 30 elective credits and gives the opportunity for students to build a custom-made profile in composition of course package and choice of university. The recommendation is to select master level courses within the specialisation, but some complimentary topics might be relevant given students’ personal preferences and career plans. Students should choose courses within the fields of business administration, economics, statistics, economic geography, commercial law, informatics, and language. For international exchange, students choose the courses at a partner university in coordination with JIBS faculty, and accreditation of the courses is also conducted by JIBS faculty. An option to international exchange is to stay at JIBS during the third semester with the same limitation on types of courses as there are for students studying abroad. The elective semester at JIBS can include an academic internship of 7.5 or 15 credits as part of the course package. These internship activities provide further relevant practical insights and are complemented throughout with guided academic reflections relating the activities to relevant readings to advance the students in becoming reflective practitioners.
The fourth and last semester consists of a 30-credit thesis course. The thesis in business administration should cover a topic of global management. All courses of the programme provide deep theoretical knowledge and contemporary research findings but in various ways also connect this to practice such as through guest lecturers from industry, study visits, live cases, and projects.
All courses are taught in English. Since Jönköping International Business School (JIBS) has an exchange programme including many partner universities, and the fact that this master´s programme and a number of other master’s programmes at JIBS are open to students from around the world, the courses have a diverse international participation of students. The international atmosphere is reinforced with international subject matter in this programme, in particular, management in an international environment and management challenges in response to globalization.
The education is meant to prepare the students for management positions that require responses to globalization and that require interactions in very diverse environments. The education is also meant to prepare students for research in management, possibly within doctoral studies.
Obligatoriska kurser Kursbenämning | Hp | Huvudområde | Fördjupning | Kurskod |
Advanced Leadership | 7,5 | Företagsekonomi | A1N | MGSR23 |
Advanced Research Methods in Global Management | 7,5 | Företagsekonomi | A1N | JRGR26 |
Corporate Entrepreneurship and Strategic Renewal | 7,5 | Företagsekonomi | A1N | JCER27 |
Family Business Development | 7,5 | Företagsekonomi | A1N | JFBR21 |
Global Marketing Management | 7,5 | Företagsekonomi | A1N | JGLR22 |
Global Strategy | 7,5 | Företagsekonomi | A1N | JGSR21 |
Managing a Multinational | 7,5 | Företagsekonomi | A1N | JMUR23 |
Managing Responsibly for Corporate Sustainability | 7,5 | Företagsekonomi | A1N | JMSR20 |
Master Thesis in Business Administration (Two Years) | 30 | Företagsekonomi | A2E | JMBV27 |
Valbara kurser
Kursbenämning | Hp | Huvudområde | Fördjupning | Kurskod |
Advanced Supply Chain Management 1 1 | 7,5 | Företagsekonomi | A1N | JA1R26 |
Advanced Supply Chain Management 2: Integration and Alliances 1 | 7,5 | Företagsekonomi | A1F | JA2S26 |
Entrepreneurship in Context 1 | 7,5 | Företagsekonomi | A1N | JEXR23 |
Marketing Communications in a Digital World 1 | 7,5 | Företagsekonomi | A1N | JMCR22 |
Valfria högskolepoäng
1) For all 2-year master programmes, in the autumn of the 2nd year students have options for courses either at JIBS or through exchange. The elective courses noted during this period are default courses at JIBS if the students do not participate in exchange, academic internship or actively select other courses. The default courses at the optional semester are subject to change.
Årskurs 1 Termin 1 | Termin 2 |
Period 1 | Period 2 | Period 3 | Period 4 |
Advanced Leadership, 7,5 hp | Advanced Research Methods in Global Management, 7,5 hp | Corporate Entrepreneurship and Strategic Renewal, 7,5 hp | Family Business Development, 7,5 hp |
Managing Responsibly for Corporate Sustainability, 7,5 hp | Global Strategy, 7,5 hp | Managing a Multinational, 7,5 hp | Global Marketing Management, 7,5 hp |
Årskurs 2 Termin 3 | Termin 4 |
Period 1 | Period 2 | Period 3 | Period 4 |
Valfria poäng, 30,00 hp | Master Thesis in Business Administration (Two Years), 30 hp |
Advanced Supply Chain Management 1 1, 7,5 hp | Advanced Supply Chain Management 2: Integration and Alliances 1, 7,5 hp | | |
Entrepreneurship in Context 1, 7,5 hp | Marketing Communications in a Digital World 1, 7,5 hp | | |
Undervisning och examination
To pass a course, the student needs to fulfil all the course requirements. Examination will be executed by written exam, oral exam or term papers. Different methods of examination can be used within a single course. The student will be offered examination opportunities in accordance with document: Regulations and Guidelines for first, second and third cycle education at Jönköping University. Mandatory workshops and assignments can figure within the frame of the course.
All courses offered by JIBS will be graded according to the following six levels: A-E constitutes a pass and FX or F is equal to a fail. The grades Pass or Fail can also be used for selected examinations.
The applicant must hold the minimum of a Bachelor’s degree (i.e the equivalent of 180 ECTS credits at an accredited university) with at least 90 credits in one (or a combination) of the following areas: business administration, economics, industrial engineering and management, or equivalent. At least 60 credits must be in business administration. Proof of English proficiency is required.
Villkor för fortsatta studier
To be eligible for study abroad, the student should, at the time of the study abroad application, have completed at least 15 ECTS of the programme course credits scheduled prior to the study abroad.
The following requirements need to be met for students to proceed to the second academic year within the programme:
Within the programme the student must not fall behind more than 30 credits.
To obtain the Master of Science (120 credits) with a major in Business Administration, the student must complete the course requirements of at least 120 credits at the higher education level that were not used for the bachelor degree, with at least 90 credits overall in second-cycle courses and at least 60 of those second-cycle credits in business administration including 30 credit Thesis in Business Administration.
To obtain the Master of Science (120 credits) with a major in Business Administration, with a focus on global management, the student must complete: (1) the requirements for the Master of Science (120 credits) with a major in Business administration, (2) all mandatory programme courses as listed in the above contents section, or their equivalent, and (3) a Master thesis in Business Administration (30 credits) that covers a topic with relevance to global management.
Our cooperation with JSA, the student organization, is crucial. This work is conducted on two levels, programmes and courses.
Programme level
On the programme level students elect student programme evaluators to represent the student group. The student representatives and the programme directors meet regularly to discuss courses and the progress of the programme. The representatives stay in contact with course coordinators to share the overall impression and student experiences from courses, in addition, the Programme Director leads quality assurance work together with a programme group (faculty) and an advisory board (corporate representatives).
Course level
On the course level, student evaluators and course coordinator meet shortly after the course has started. The purpose is to ensure that the course is working well and if necessary make minor changes. After each course is finished all students perform course evaluations on Ping-Pong, and programme developers evaluate the course on the aggregate level and communicate with the programme director and course coordinator.
Preparatory/foundation courses cannot be included/counted for the JIBS degree.
Additional information, regarding the programme, will be presented on JIBS homepage before each application period.