Master in Strategic Entrepreneurship (Two Years), 120 högskolepoäng
Master in Strategic Entrepreneurship (Two Years), 120 credits
Programkod: JAS29
Fastställd av: Council for Undergraduate and Masters Education 2018-01-25
Reviderad av: Council for Undergraduate and Masters Education 2024-03-20
Version: 7,1
Programstart: Hösten 2024
Utbildningsnivå: Avancerad nivå


Filosofie masterexamen med huvudområdet företagsekonomi


Programme aims
The Strategic Entrepreneurship programme focuses on improving entrepreneurial effectiveness, both for creating and launching new ventures and for identifying and developing new opportunities in existing organizations. This includes challenges for venture creation as well as how companies can revive their entrepreneurial spirit to achieve strategic renewal. By building on state-of-the-art research results as well as on conducting practical projects and gaining start-up experience, this programme addresses how organizations at any stage of maturity can be innovative and benefit from entrepreneurial thinking. The education is meant to prepare the students for starting their own businesses as well as for international careers in business positions that require strategic decision-making.


General aims
Second cycle education shall essentially build on the knowledge students acquire in first cycle education or corresponding knowledge. Second cycle education shall involve a deepening of knowledge, skills and abilities relative to first cycle education and, in addition to what applies to first cycle education, shall;Programme specific learning goals

Knowledge and Understanding
Graduates of the programme will have a general knowledge and understanding of business administration principles and a specialised and considerably deep knowledge in the field of strategic entrepreneurship
Corresponding objectives:
Graduates of the programme will be able toSkills and Abilities
Graduates of the programme will have acquired the skills to integrate knowledge critically and systematically and to analyse complex issues encountered for a career that includes strategic decision-making and entrepreneurship activities, and be effective communicators of activities associated with these skills.
Corresponding objectives:
Graduates of the programme will be able toJudgement and Approach
Graduates of the programme will understand the scientific, social, ethical, and personal responsibility aspects of practical work and research in business administration, including the role, use, and development of knowledge and the ethical aspects and possibilities of scientific endeavour.
Corresponding objectives:
Graduates of the programme will be able toMission driven goals
Graduates of the programme will be equipped to contribute to the advancement of business practice in a global environment, with particular emphasis on aspects of Ownership, and/or Entrepreneurship and/or Renewal.
Corresponding objectives:
Graduates of the programme will be able to;The above is in accordance with the intended learning outcomes set for a two-year Master's degree in the Swedish Higher Education Ordinance and JIBS mission.


The master´s programme Strategic Entrepreneurship (Two Year) provides a deepening education in the field of business administration for those already holding a bachelor degree and having a substantial amount of business administration in their undergraduate studies.

This programme aims at helping the students improve their entrepreneurial effectiveness, both for creating and launching new start-ups and for identifying and developing opportunities in existing organizations to help them unleash their growth potential. Some companies are in direct need of reviving their entrepreneurial spirit to achieve strategic renewal. By building on state-of- the-art research results as well as on practical projects and start-up experiences, this programme addresses how organizations can be innovative and benefit from it.

The curriculum design of these master programmes draws on JIBS’ core research areas; entrepreneurship, renewal and ownership. The programme combines learning about strategic entrepreneurship through academic, theoretical contents, applicable to practice, with learning for entrepreneurship. The curriculum also includes training in entrepreneurship. Associated attitudes and practices are grounded already in the introductory course of the programme.

Throughout the programme, students will have the opportunity to create and develop their own entrepreneurial project with guidance, coaching, and practical skills development provided by JIBS in collaboration with Science Park. This will take place in the module Starting an Entrepreneurial Project, followed by the courses Entrepreneurial Project 1 (mandatory) and Entrepreneurial Project 2 (elective). Students are also encouraged, but not required, to ground their Master Thesis in their entrepreneurial project. Student do have the option to opt out of continuing to develop their entrepreneurial project after the second year if they so choose.

The programme sequence is presented in the tables.

Autumn semester, Year 1
The first course, Entrepreneuring introduces students to the concept of entrepreneurship and a process, a practice, and a mindset. The course contains three modules. The first module, Person and Process, aims at informing the students about the features of and need for an entrepreneurial mind-set and at helping them to develop and practice such a worldview. As a point of departure, it delivers an introduction to different theoretical perspectives on and facets of entrepreneurship as well as to the concept of “entrepreneuring” (that is entrepreneurship as a process). Thus, the core of this course is to provide a foundation for the programme as well as learning for and in entrepreneurship (for example, through identifying and developing venture ideas for a new start-up as well as for an established organization). The second module, Creating a New Venture, focuses on learning for and partly in entrepreneurship. The third module, Starting an Entrepreneurial Project, prepares students to take part in a new venture creation process – or, for those students who already have established a venture, new venture development process. This process is supported on the practice side by the local Science Park, external experts (e.g., in intellectual property and tax issues) as well as entrepreneurs reporting on their own experiences. On the academic side, a senior faculty member provides academic input to support the students in reflecting upon this process.
In parallel with Entrepreneuring, there are two other courses. In the first half of the semester, students will take Entrepreneurship in Context where they will become familiar contemporary technological advancements and pressing socio-environmental issues, which serve to contextualize the world in which they will do entrepreneurship and to serve as inspiration for the students’ entrepreneurial project. In the second half of the semester, students will take the course Advanced Research Methods in Entrepreneurship. This course focuses on both qualitative and quantitative research methods to prepare students for their master thesis projects as well as more generally for the task of collecting and evaluating information, which are core skills for entrepreneurial idea validation and development.

Spring semester, Year 1
In the second semester, students will continue to work with their own entrepreneurial project in the course Entrepreneurial Project 1, which continues to provide students with the necessary practical skills and coaching needed for students to develop their projects, including an introduction to entrepreneurial finance.
In parallel with this course, students will also take two other, more theoretically grounded courses. In the first half of the second semester, students will take the course Applied International Marketing where they will work in multi-cultural teams to prepare internationalization plans for regional small and medium-sized companies. The course is supported by major Swedish export associations and support agencies. Students will also take Accounting and Finance for Entrepreneurs, where they will learn how to perform, analyse, and interpret foundational accounting and financial calculations pertinent to new venture creation. Students will also become familiar with the strategic implications of key financial decisions during new venture creation.

In the latter half of the spring semester, students take the course Corporate Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Growth, which explores the role of entrepreneurship in establish organizations in promoting responsible and sustainable growth. In this course, academic work is in focus, through lectures, literature discussions, as well as writing of academic texts. Case studies and guest lectures construct a bridge to the world outside the academy. This course is taught alongside Family Entrepreneurship, which draws on the world-class research conducted at JIBS’ Centre of Family Enterprise and Ownership (CeFEO). It analyses the process of start-up, entrepreneurial development and renewal of family firms, the predominant type of companies in most countries worldwide.

Autumn semester, Year 2
The third semester consist of 30 elective credits and give the opportunity for students to build a custom-made profile in composition of course package and choice of university. The recommendation is for students to continue with their entrepreneurial project by selecting the elective course Entrepreneurial Project 2 (7.5 or 15 credits) in combination with other master-level elective courses. These elective courses can be within the field of entrepreneurship but students may also choose complimentary topics that might be relevant given students’ personal preferences and career-plans. Students should choose courses within the fields of business administration, economics, statistics, economic geography, commercial law, informatics, and language.
Alternatively, students may wish to choose to do an international exchange. Here, students choose the courses at a partner university in coordination with JIBS faculty, and accreditation of the courses is also conducted by JIBS faculty. There are the same limitations on types of courses for international exchange as there are for students choosing elective courses at JIBS.
The elective semester at JIBS can include an internship course of 7.5 or 15 credits as part of the course package. These internship activities provide further relevant practical insights and are complemented throughout with guided academic reflections relating the activities to relevant readings to advance the students in becoming reflective practitioners.

Spring semester, Year 2
The fourth and last, semester consists of a 30-credit thesis course. The thesis in business administration should cover a topic of strategic entrepreneurship. Students who choose the elective Entrepreneurial Project 2 are encouraged, but not required, to ground their thesis in their entrepreneurial project (e.g., by using action research).

Additional information
All courses are taught in English. Due to the fact that Jönköping International Business School (JIBS) has an exchange programme including a wide range of partner universities, and the fact that this master´s programme and other programmes at JIBS are open to students from around the world, the courses have a diverse international participation of students. The international atmosphere is reinforced with international subject matter in this programme, in particular its consideration of how to optimally take advantage of opportunities being made available through globalization.
The education is meant to prepare the students for work in business positions that require contributions for strategic decision-making and to prepare the students for starting their own businesses. The education is also meant to prepare students for research in the areas of entrepreneurship and strategic renewal, possibly within doctoral studies.


Obligatoriska kurser

Kursbenämning Hp Huvudområde Fördjupning Kurskod
Accounting and Finance for Entrepreneurs 5 Företagsekonomi A1N JAPR24
Advanced Research Methods in Entrepreneurship 7,5 Företagsekonomi A1N JARR26
Applied International Marketing 7,5 Företagsekonomi A1N JAMR28
Corporate Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Growth 7,5 Företagsekonomi A1N JCSR24
Entrepreneurial Project 1 5 Företagsekonomi A1F JE1S24
Entrepreneuring 15 Företagsekonomi A1N JEPR23
Entrepreneurship in Context 7,5 Företagsekonomi A1N JEXR23
Family Entrepreneurship 5 Företagsekonomi A1N JFER24
Master Thesis in Business Administration (Two Years) 30 Företagsekonomi A2E JMBV27

Valbara kurser

Kursbenämning Hp Huvudområde Fördjupning Kurskod
Consumer Behavior 1 7,5 Företagsekonomi A1N JCBR27
Entrepreneurial Project 2 1 15 Företagsekonomi A1F JP2S24
Global Strategy 1 7,5 Företagsekonomi A1N JGSR21

Valfria högskolepoäng

1) For all 2-year master programmes, in the autumn of the 2nd year students have options for courses either at JIBS or through exchange. The elective courses noted during this period are default courses at JIBS if the students do not participate in exchange, academic internship or actively select other courses. The default courses at the optional semester are subject to change.


Årskurs 1
Termin 1 Termin 2
Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4
Entrepreneurship in Context, 7,5 hp Advanced Research Methods in Entrepreneurship, 7,5 hp Accounting and Finance for Entrepreneurs, 5 hp Corporate Entrepreneurship for Sustainable Growth, 7,5 hp
Entrepreneuring, 15 hp Applied International Marketing, 7,5 hp Family Entrepreneurship, 5 hp
   Entrepreneurial Project 1, 5 hp

Årskurs 2
Termin 3 Termin 4
Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4
Valfria poäng, 30,00 hp Master Thesis in Business Administration (Two Years), 30 hp
Consumer Behavior 1, 7,5 hp Global Strategy 1, 7,5 hp  
Entrepreneurial Project 2 1, 15 hp  

Undervisning och examination

To pass a course, the student needs to fulfil all the course requirements. Examination will be executed by written exam, oral exam or term papers. Different methods of examination can be used within a single course. The student will be offered examination opportunities in accordance with document: Regulations and Guidelines for first, second and third cycle education at Jönköping University. Mandatory workshops and assignments can figure within the frame of the course.
All courses offered by JIBS will be graded according to the following six levels: A-E constitutes a pass and FX or F is equal to a fail. The grades Pass or Fail can also be used for selected examinations.


The applicant must hold the minimum of a Bachelor’s degree (i.e the equivalent of 180 ECTS credits at an accredited university) with at least 90 credits in one (or a combination) of the following areas: business administration, economics, industrial engineering and management, or equivalent. At least 60 credits must be in business administration. Proof of English proficiency is required.

Villkor för fortsatta studier

To be eligible for study abroad, the student should, at the time of the study abroad application, have completed at least 15 ECTS of the programme course credits scheduled prior to the study abroad.
The following requirements need to be met for students to proceed to the second academic year within the programme:
Within the programme the student must not fall behind more than 30 credits.


To obtain the Master of Science (120 credits) with a major in Business Administration, the student must complete the course requirements of at least 120 credits at the higher education level that were not used for the bachelor degree, with at least 90 credits overall in second-cycle courses and at least 60 of those second-cycle credits in business administration including 30 credit course Master Thesis in Business Administration (Two Years).

To obtain the Master of Science (120 credits) with a major in Business Administration, with a focus on Strategic Entrepreneurship, the student must complete: (1) the requirements for the Master of Science (120 credits) with a major in Business administration, (2) all mandatory programme courses as listed in the above contents section, or their equivalent, and (3) a Master thesis in Business Administration (30 credits) that covers a topic with relevance for Strategic Entrepreneurship.


Our cooperation with JSA, the student organization, is crucial. This work is conducted on two levels, programmes and courses.

Programme level
On the programme level student representatives for the programme are elected. The student representatives and the programme directors meet regularly to discuss courses and the progress of the programme. The representatives stay in contact with course coordinators to share the overall impression and student experiences from courses, in addition, the Programme Director leads quality assurance work together with a programme group (faculty) and an advisory board (corporate representatives).

Course level
On the course level, student evaluators and course coordinator meet shortly after the course has started. The purpose is to ensure that the course is working well and if necessary, make minor changes. After each course is finished all students perform course evaluations in the learning management system, and programme developers evaluate the course on the aggregate level and communicate with programme director and course coordinator.


Preparatory/foundation courses cannot be included/counted for the JIBS degree.
Additional information, regarding the programme, will be presented on JIBS homepage before each application period.