Master of Science (120 credits) with a major in Occupational Therapy, 120 credits
Master of Science (120 credits) with a major in Occupational Therapy, 120 högskolepoäng
Programme Code: HAAR7
Confirmed by: Dean 2016-06-28
Revised by: Dean 2024-05-27
Version: 11
Programmestart: Autumn 2025
Education Cycle: Second-cycle level

Title of qualification

Degree of Master of Science (120 credits) with a major in Occupational Therapy

Programme overview

The educational programme addresses students who want to achieve a degree of Master of Science with a major in Occupational Therapy. The programme is organised at second-cycle level and comprises 120 credits. One year of studies at 50% study pace consisting of 40 weeks will earn 30 credits, whereby 0.75 credits correspond on average to one week’s studies of at least 20 hours. One year of studies at 100% study pace consisting of 40 weeks will earn 60 credits, whereby 1.5 credits correspond on average to one week’s studies of at least 40 hours.

The web-based programme is conducted and examined in English and is designed to ensure that the participants expand their key skills in relation to their discipline and professional development during their studies. Each course is assessed separately using a range of assessment methods including oral presentations, reports, projects and written examinations. In a single course one of these methods, or a combination of them, may be used.

Examinations may be carried out individually or in groups. Detailed criteria for grading of examinations are described in each course syllabus. Graduates from this programme will achieve theoretical knowledge in order to provide best practice based on evidence.

Teaching and learning philosophy
The School of Health and Welfare’s teaching and learning philosophy allows the individual to freely pursue knowledge and take responsibility for their own learning and personal development. The school aims to equip the individual with the tools needed to contribute to the development of our changing society.

According to the teaching and learning philosophy:
- the learning environment encourages students to actively pursue knowledge and take responsibility for their own learning
- learning processes and modes of assessment contribute to the development of critical thinking and problem-solving skills and promote in-depth learning and understanding
- learning processes promote the development of a professional attitude in interactions with care seekers/patients/clients/users and other professions
- a scholarly approach is an integral part of learning
- clinical placements allow students to observe, analyse, reflect, and gain professional experience and skills.

In practice, the philosophy means that the programmes at the School of Health and Welfare use teaching and learning methods that facilitate the students’ learning. Courses must be evaluated on a regular basis, and the results of the evaluations must be considered when preparing programme and course syllabi and deciding on teaching and learning methods and modes of assessment. The students should take part in this work. The school’s management is responsible for regularly reviewing the teaching and learning philosophy.


General objectives
According to the Swedish Higher Education Act (SFS 1992:1434, with later revisions), education at second-cycle level shall be based fundamentally on the knowledge acquired by students during first-cycle courses and study programmes, or its equivalent. Second-cycle courses and study programmes shall involve the acquisition of specialist knowledge, competence and skills in relation to first- cycle courses and study programmes, and in addition to the requirements for first-cycle courses and study programmes, shall:General learning outcomes for a Degree of Master
Aims stated in the Swedish Higher Education Act (SFS 1992:1434 with later revisions) declare that the student who has completed the study programme leading to a Degree of Master in accordance with the Degree Ordinance (Appendix 2, Higher Education Ordinance SFS 1993:100, with later revisions) should have:

Knowledge and understandingSkills and abilityJudgement and approachIndependent project
A requirement for the award of a Degree of Master (120 credits) is completion by the student of an independent project (degree project) for at least 30 credits in the main field of study. The degree project may comprise two independent projects in occupational therapy for at least 15 credits each or one independent project in occupational therapy for 30 credits.

Programme-specific learning outcomes

In addition to the learning outcomes for a Degree of Master according to the Swedish Higher Education Ordinance (Appendix 2, SFS 1993:100, with later revisions), the Master of Science programme (120 credits) with a major in Occupational Therapy at Jönköping University has the following learning outcomes:

Knowledge and understandingSkills and abilityJudgement and approach


Programme structure

The programme is split into courses (see below). The first course is a research-methodology course followed by in-depth studies in the main subject.

At the end of the programme, the student must complete two independent projects (Theses) worth at least 15 credits each or one independent project (Thesis) worth at least 30 credits.

The independent project should be performed individually. Two Courses - Occupational Therapy, Thesis I, 15 credits and Occupational Therapy, Thesis II, 15 credits - can be replaced with one course - Occupational Therapy, Thesis, 30 credits - after consultation with the course coordinator and examiner.

A Master of Science (120 credits) is obtained after the student has successfully completed course requirements in the main field of studies.

At 50% study pace, courses are taken in the order they are presented in the programme overview below. At 100% study pace, courses are taken simultaneously in the following order: Semesters 1 and 3, Semesters 2 and 4, Semesters 5 and 7, and Semesters 6 and 8.


Mandatory courses

Course Name Credits Main field of study Specialised in Course Code
An Occupational Perspective of Health I 7.5 Occupational Therapy A1N HA1R22
An Occupational Perspective of Health II 7.5 Occupational Therapy A1F HA2S21
Co-production in Health and Welfare 7.5 Quality Improvement and Leadership within Health and Welfare A1N HCPR22
Research Design, Strategies, and Ethics 7.5 Occupational Therapy A1N HFER23
Occupational Therapy, Community-based Practice 7.5 Occupational Therapy A1N HOCR27
Occupational Therapy, Evidence-based Practice I 7.5 Occupational Therapy A1N HE1R23
Occupational Therapy, Theory and Evidence-based Practice II 15 Occupational Therapy A1F HO2S20
Occupational Therapy, Theory I 7.5 Occupational Therapy A1N HA1R26
Occupational Therapy, Thesis I 15 Occupational Therapy A1E HO1T27
Occupational Therapy, Thesis II 15 Occupational Therapy A2E HO2V21
Team Collaboration in Changing Organisations 7.5 Quality Improvement and Leadership within Health and Welfare A1N HTCR20
Theory of Science and Scientific Method 15 Occupational Therapy A1N HTSR23

Programme overview

Year 1
Semester 1 Semester 2
Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4
Theory of Science and Scientific Method, 15 credits Occupational Therapy, Theory I, 7.5 credits Occupational Therapy, Community-based Practice, 7.5 credits

Year 2
Semester 3 Semester 4
Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4
An Occupational Perspective of Health I, 7.5 credits Occupational Therapy, Evidence-based Practice I, 7.5 credits Occupational Therapy, Thesis I, 15 credits

Year 3
Semester 5 Semester 6
Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4
An Occupational Perspective of Health II, 7.5 credits Occupational Therapy, Theory and Evidence-based Practice II, 15 credits
Co-production in Health and Welfare, 7.5 credits  

Year 4
Semester 7 Semester 8
Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4
Research Design, Strategies, and Ethics, 7.5 credits Team Collaboration in Changing Organisations, 7.5 credits Occupational Therapy, Thesis II, 15 credits


The applicant must hold the minimum of a Bachelor´s degree in Occupational Therapy, (i.e. the equivalent of 180 ECTS credits at an accredited university) or the equivalent. Proof of English proficiency is required.

Continuation Requirements

Specific requirements for continuing studies in the programme are described in each course syllabus.

Qualification Requirements

To be awarded the Master of Science (120 credits) with a major in Occupational therapy, the student must complete the course requirements of at least 120 credits at the higher education level, of which 60 credits should be in Occupational therapy, including 30 credits thesis course in Occupational therapy or two 15 credits thesis courses in Occupational therapy.
Requirements to complete the programme are (1) completing the requirements for the Master of Science (120 credits) with a major in Occupational therapy and (2) completing all courses that are listed as mandatory courses in the Contents section, or their equivalent.

Degree certificate
The degree certificate will be issued after formal application from the student after completion of education, provided that the examination results are registered in the study documentation system.

Other Information

Courses included in the programme
Course changes can occur, as long as they do not substantially affect the programme’s content and learning goals.

In accordance with Jönköping University’s regulations, the course syllabus shall specify which grades are used. Grades shall be determined by one of the teachers specifically appointed by the university (the examiner). For course assessment, the School of Health and Welfare uses the grading scales pass/fail, pass with distinction/pass/fail and A/B/C/D/E/FX/F. Which grading scale used for which course is shown in the current syllabus.

Teaching and examination
For each course in the education there is a special syllabus which is a legally binding document. The teaching and examination forms for the courses given within the program are shown in the syllabus. More detailed regulations and information about examination and grading can be found in the Regulations and guidelines for first, second and third cycle education at Jönköping University, in the respective syllabus and on respective learning platform.

Equal opportunities at Jönköping University
As an education provider, Jönköping University wants to offer an inclusive study environment where all students are treated in an objective and professional manner, where everyone is given equal opportunities. Jönköping University accepts under no circumstances that discrimination, harassment, sexual harassment and offensive differential treatment occur.

Disciplinary and Expulsion Committee at Jönköping University
Students are obliged to follow the regulations governing the activities at Jönköping University. The Disciplinary and Expulsion Committee at Jönköping University can decide on disciplinary measures.

Credit Transfer
A student that has passed component parts of a university programme at another Swedish or foreign university, or who has acquired the equivalent knowledge and skills in another way, can – following evaluation – receive credits for this within the framework of their studies at the School of Health and Welfare. The application for credit is applied for by the student on a special form according to the instructions on the form. The application must be received no later than five weeks before the start of the course in order to be processed in good time before the start of the course. For students who are new to Jönköping University and who want to take credit for courses close to the start of the course, the application for this must be made as soon as possible after registration.

Study leave
A study leave can only be applied for and granted from educational programs, not from courses. A study leave can only be granted after the student has completed at least one course with a passing grade, otherwise the student is directed to apply to the program again. A study leave is requested by the student on a special form and can only be granted due to illness, parental leave, military service or another special reason. A student who has been granted a study leave must notify the study counsellor of re-entry no later than 15 October before the spring semester and 15 April before the fall semester.

Interruption of studies
The student is recommended to contact the study counsellor before interrupting studies. Cancellation of studies from a program or course is entered by the student according to the instructions.

When a student does not meet established eligibility requirements before the start of the semester and/or course, exemption is only granted in cases where Jönköping University has caused the student to be unable to complete their studies according to the programme syllabus.